One of them is Graphology, which is based on the study of handwriting and signature to study personality, through which we will observe attitudes and aptitudes in our clients or collaborators, which will allow us to establish more effective communication links between our interests and theirs, with the consequent increase of mutual benefits.
Graphology as a sales tool
In a business meeting, during a meal, etc., we can use graphology to assess how our client really thinks, from the moment he writes a single sentence.
Among the interesting traits, we can highlight all those related to the emotional factor, which really works at the time of the purchase decision, so that we can perceive impatience, falsehood, reflection, logic, intuition, visual memory and logical memory, etc.
In addition, one of the factors that makes a customer buy can be the ability to react to problems, easily visible through the letter, so if our sale is based on the benefits that a product will bring him, he will see our product as a really powerful tool thanks to this support with graphology.
One of the attitudes that we can easily observe in handwriting is impatience or thoughtlessness in making decisions, if we are able to see this attitude clearly we can act on it so that the buyer we have in front of us will positively activate his company values and his action will be the purchase.
In many cases, we know how to define the impatience variable in the buyer through our own experience, although in other cases the buyer is a professional and although this variable exists in him, he can avoid it with a little communicative attitude or simply by being a good actor.
Some of the ways that graphology has to determine this impatience and thoughtlessness are the following:
Graphology. When capital letters are associated with the following.
It usually identifies a point of thoughtlessness in the existence of a decision, first acting and then thinking.
Acting: The most appropriate way to act is to provide the person who has this attitude in the signature with constant information that seeks his interest and stimulates him to act.
Graphology. When the signature is placed too far to the right.
It implies thoughtlessness caused by an emotional issue, it usually appears in people who seek confidence in their buyers – sellers, as friends or collaborators and act on the basis of this type of affective union.
Acting: We can support the buyer in his decisions, even give him our cell phone or home phone, invite him to lunch and talk about family and health issues every time we see each other.
Graphology. When the buyer’s signature is illegible but fast.
There is an impatience that comes from the dynamism and the search for action, it usually appears in people with great combative sense, more than impatience could be considered spontaneity to actions, although in the field of decision, they are not always based on a sense of economic or commercial reason.
Acting: The most appropriate way to act is to show the search for joint collaboration in the company’s actions, to offer the client weapons to fight and elements of action that their competitors do not have, we will be the one who has their back in the fight.
Graphology. When the rubric underlines the name of a greater size than this.
The impatience generated in this signature is the one that looks for the internal compensation of the person, that is, there are feelings of inferiority that have not been forgotten, possibly of juvenile stage, and it is sought to stand out of the personality to cover them, this can generate certain thoughtlessness before moments of coldness in the decision.
Performance: We have to make the client see us as a fast starting support, that is, as a source of information, besides making him understand that we admire him in his way of working, he can see us as an ally, but always leaving him a little bit above.
According to the complexes we can determine what will be the buying attitude of a potential client and make him see that the possibilities of success he has in his work can be closely linked to our product.
The complexes that people have are not easy to externalize, although in a large percentage, they are recognizable by the letter.
In many cases there are complexes that have been overcome throughout life, making up for them with the experience of each person, and in other cases the complexes are always in the person.
However, it is these complexes that often make a person able to put pride on the table and grow in the pursuit of some goal, motivating himself to achieve it.
There are different types of complexes: inferiority, superiority, guilt, etc.
Graphology. When the rubric is underlined and smaller than the name.
It can be considered as a form of personal evolution and as a phase in which the inferiority has been forgotten, although there may still be a small gap.
Achievement: We must be able to enter the person’s reality, think like him, and sell him our product, making him see that it will improve his work in a consistent way and that he will be the best compared to his competition.
Graphology. When the heading is underlined and larger than the name.
There is a feeling of inferiority that forces him to praise himself or receive praise from others in order to grow.
Action: We can constantly give him the pill, make him see that his work is very interesting for us, we can also tell him that we can give him free publicity to other clients or collaborators of ours, so that we will sell that he is a very good professional and that he uses our product.
Graphology. When the rubric underlines the name with several strokes.
It means that the person who signs in this way tries to be more than others, has ambition to be known, and deep inside may also have certain doubts about his own evaluation to do things.
Action: Our action must be to make him/her see that we are amazed by his/her choices and abilities, and even ask for permission to include his/her company in our sketch of client companies, if we have it.
Graphology. When the rubric crosses out first and last names.
There is a certain dissatisfaction with oneself and a certain feeling of guilt.
Action: We must be his colleague, his support, in some cases even his confidant, telling him what is happening around us, his shoulder to cry on.
Graphology. When the rubric completely covers the name and surname.
It is a way to externalize a certain inferiority complex that remains from youth or childhood, it is usually enclosed in itself, a shell that allows you to appear different from others.
Performance: To make him see that he can trust us and that our products will give him security, stability, and peace of mind, even taking away the burden of having to show his face for not being able to meet certain commitments.