did no one ever tell you that? Of course you have license to fulfill your dream, even if sometimes you think you have to fulfill other people’s dreams, why fulfill other people’s dreams if you can fulfill your own?
A few years ago you could consider fulfilling someone else’s dream because you had the possibility of having a more or less good salary, of having options to get bonuses that added to your salary and, of course, of having a professional status that allowed you to have options or “be someone”.

Fulfilling your Dream and a Secret
I’m going to tell you a secret: “The world has fallen.” We are in the middle of the financial collapse that Robert Kiyosaki predicted. It’s funny, some time ago when I talked about this many people looked at me as if I was crazy, when I had to explain the information we had received about the trends that were coming 3 or 4 years ago (around 2009) everyone half passed by, laughed, and some – the fewest – were frightened by such a reality.
Now that the world is falling, and I assure you that it will fall much more, it’s time to start building your empire, it’s like when economies fall rampant and the more they fall and fall you start to develop business, and you see some people who throw their hands to their heads and say “But what are you doing, how are you going to start a business now!and of course, you think “well, if I don’t do it now, when I’m going to do it when everything goes well and my talent or my entrepreneurial passion does not stand out?
Fulfilling your dream and mistakes
I understand more and more that man is the only animal that stumbles twice with the same stone, if we deserve it. The truth is that in a market situation like this and staying cool enough to see where the right gaps are is not easy, but there are some who have an impressive eye for success.
Keep in mind that in the next few years, in the case of Spain, and it is already becoming a reality, the population will be divided more or less as follows:
– 30% of people below the poverty line (less than 5 euros/day)
– 30% of people living on less than 500 euros per month.
– 20% of people with a mileurista profile (which in Spain will be Six Hundred Eurista)
– 10% of people with a good income
– 10% of people with very very good incomes (and these people are those who will have the capacity to do very complex things).
And who can do very complex things? Well, anyone, you don’t need to be a super atomic engineer, in fact, the shots will probably come for a good part of technical areas but there are others more complex such as directing or reaching large volumes of people, knowing how to get into their minds and also get if you can do it at an international level as you never thought.
Fulfill your dream and get 100% up to date
An example that is very simple to understand why you have to think about fulfilling your dream and you can not wait for anyone to come to solve things is when about 10 years ago I was listening to businessmen and managers saying that studying English was important for Spanish managers, because in a few years it would be vital, I remember that in my case I was enrolled in different English courses, especially business, to strengthen what I already knew but I saw a lot of people who said that “Yes, I know I have to do it but I do not have time”.
For me personally it has allowed me to do business in many countries that would be difficult to do if I didn’t know English, like meeting companies and company presidents who ask me for help to know where their weak points are at a strategic level in first line countries.
Today, anyone who has not done so and has not learned English will have to do so out of absolute obligation, but logically the best opportunities will have been completely lost. And he will also find that the new generations in this sense will be able to displace him, and they will do it naturally and without hesitation.
But new opportunities arise and like that time when nobody wanted to advance with English, because they did not know what it was for at that time, now you will also find uncertainties, but little by little they will be cleared.
What you should never do is to look back thinking that other times were better than the one you were in, because the reality is not so, is that the best times come now, the ones you lived were times when the economy was well up, now it is well down, it is time to create so that when you are up it is really complex that no one can throw you off the mountain, you can dominate it.
Remember: From this moment on, you have the license to fulfill your dream