So film blogs, written by one or several individuals, are filling the gap of particular points of view and opinions that are not at all mediatized. Although many journalists (and who better to do it) are writing for them, they do it in a personal way but making excellent use of their profession when presenting the information to their readers
Of course, the most consumed and therefore demanded product in the world of movie blogs are news about celebrities, followed by news about everything related to new movie releases and ending the descending order with any analytical, but not necessarily constructive, criticism made to a proposal already released
Naturally, part of the beauty of this world of film blogs is that they are appropriately focused on the different types of information demands and writing complexity. Where one details elements that might interest those who want to know absolutely everything, someone who simply wants a light read without so much detail might get bored
Being the same case if someone who wants to know everything in detail to its maximum extent, could be bored if he comes to one where a simple and superficial description of a particular topic is made
Recommended film blogs
Film Blog: Anyone who considers himself a hardcore cinephile can not miss a visit to this film blog (without wishing to redundant in its name). As its own heading indicates “movie reviews and premieres” can be found on this site. With an excellent update rhythm that includes several times a day, the most fresh and well constructed news will be exposed and discussed in this space
While Hollywood cinema and all that it implies always has its space well reserved, there is room for other topics that involve the seventh art but do not have such a popular support as independent films (without wanting to attenuate the talent shown in it), theater, etc.. Implemented in a general sense as a community “Blog de cine” has an extensive number of followers in social networks counted by hundreds of thousands
Las horas perdidas: Film blog of Spanish origin but not pigeonholed in regional content. Although it deals with, criticizes and debates topics that are related to its nationality, it has a more marked focus on international cinema. With a very attractive formula, it mixes in its entries the appearance of fresh and current news with short films and also topics related to the world of television series
It is also part of their newsroom to include sections dedicated to video reports from which the information has an element of oral support. Criticism does not fail to appear and is very well constructed, framing a well-defined personal opinion, without avoiding the occasional appearance of a sarcastic or humorous comment very much in tune with the subject matter
The Spanish cinema blog: As its name suggests, this blog refers to content with a purely Spanish origin or participation. Covering all the content that involves a television or film production of Spanish nationality, this film blog has a very loyal community of followers. Also shared are news regarding actors in general, actors of the same nationality and topics that denote curiosity
Occasional raffles are protagonists of the participation of the public whose prize is (although it is possible to infer it) audiovisual content of Spanish origin. In the writing of all entries, always describing the content to be discussed, the opinion of the writer is expressed in a constructive way
Cinetelia – Film blog: This film blog, without leaving aside other issues that may be of interest to the average user, has a greater preference for content involving events. Dates, listings and trailers are the protagonists in topics that reflect the current week’s movie releases, without missing, of course, a brief synopsis of three or four lines about the films mentioned
El antepenúltimo mohicano: This independent blog is immensely successful in keeping up to date with high quality content. Mostly offering reviews that leave nothing to be desired, it brings readers closer to diverse content from the big and small screen. Of course, it does not neglect elements that are always of excellent appeal to an audience that is not so much looking for the speck in someone else’s eye, such as news, interviews and even literary references
It is necessary to point out that any topic will always be seen as something whose elements must be separated and analyzed, so whenever possible the tone and analytical style will be present in the texts that can be read in the entries of this site.