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Entrepreneurship, Discover it and cultivate it 2018

History and experience show that the entrepreneurial spirit is not necessarily innate and that it is possible to cultivate it in any person with the will to be one and sufficiently motivated. Neither internal nor external factors, nor lack of knowledge or experience have prevented many people from starting their entrepreneurial path and have had successes… and also failures

When we see a successful businessman with an entrepreneurial spirit, who has promoted a business initiative, who has launched one or several lines of business, who has bet on a Project, who has identified the actors who have made it possible for that Project to work, grow and be profitable, who has revitalized it over time, who has taken advantage of technological advances, who has made the right strategic decisions and has taken the train of opportunities that have led him to success,…we seldom stop to think about how and why he has achieved all this, and why he has achieved all this, and why he has achieved it, and why he has achieved it
why they have achieved all this, and why we or others we know have not been so fortunate

espíritu emprendedor


Well, entrepreneurial spirit, let’s analyze some of the keys that many of these successful businessmen have carried out since their beginnings as entrepreneurs.

The first thing they do is to think and visualize only the victory and their first conquest won is to conquer themselves, that is entrepreneurial spirit

They are people with great and strong principles that put them into practice in any situation that comes their way. In many occasions this enterprising character comes from family in the genes, in the temperament of the person that must be known and managed. But to get that personality that makes the entrepreneurial difference, you have to cultivate certain habits, habits that are the product of being clear, what you want (wanting to do something), the ability (discover how to do it) and the effort and sacrifice (do what they propose to make it a habit) and is part of the character. That is the entrepreneurial spirit

Also with the entrepreneurial spirit they develop three great skills: Self-motivation, because they decide clearly what they want to do, Proactivity, because once they know what they want to do, they work very hard to get it and Enthusiasm to transmit joy, optimism and passion in everything they say and do. Entrepreneurs are people who DO what they say, this is their big difference. On the contrary, think now of the number of people you know or even yourself, dear reader, who do not do what they say they are going to do and do not say what they are going to do

Entrepreneurial spirit – The eentrepreneur, once he detects an opportunity, organizes all the resources at his disposal to cover it:

  • Encourages creativity and innovation around him/her
  • Is proactive and is always result oriented
  • Has a vision of the future and instinct
  • Knows how to withstand uncertainty with intelligence
  • Above all, he has a great capacity for sacrifice
  • Leads by example.

Unfortunately, in some cultures, the entrepreneur is penalized, because if they succeed, envy arises and if they fail, they are criticized and are not given support to get back on their feet. But the born entrepreneur knows how to get the positive side of failure and takes advantage of it to learn on a personal level to increase maturity and knowledge, and on a professional level to improve decision-making, teamwork, delegation and the contribution of added value to the company

The entrepreneur always starts from ideas (not from problems) to offer proposals (not excuses) and always sees solutions to problems (not problems to possible solutions)

Entrepreneurs know their shortcomings and that is why those who succeed surround themselves with teams that complement their shortcomings and surround themselves with the necessary Talents to achieve the challenges they set themselves. And what do they cultivate in those Talents?

  • Aptitudes: Innate or acquired knowledge and skills (Power)
  • The Attitudes: Positivism to act (Want)
  • Actions: Dynamic and continuous actions (Achieve)

If aptitudes are missing, all the effort will be insufficient and the reflections that sometimes turn into actions, will only remain in a good declaration of good intentions, because the necessary results will not be achieved. If positive attitudes are lacking, there will be demotivation and therefore there will never be productive, profitable and sustainable initiatives. If there is a lack of continuous actions, it is possible that things will be achieved, but in many cases it will be too late and the competition, which is becoming more and more and better, will have taken away the market niche we wanted

Therefore, only at the intersection of the three: Attitudes, Attitudes and Actions, the best Talents and the best Results are achieved

If you want to be an entrepreneur and surround yourself with a good team remember that

  • You can force them to hear you but not to listen to you
  • You can force them to applaud you but not to be excited and enthusiastic
  • You can force them to smile but not to laugh
  • You can be forced to be praised but not to arouse admiration
  • You can force them to tell you a secret, but not to inspire confidence
  • You can force them to serve you but not to appreciate you affectionately

If you can turn denials into affirmations you will have another great success behind you. Therefore, I want to share with you, entrepreneur or future entrepreneur, some of the habits that have been practiced and continue to practice, entrepreneurs who have had failures from which they have risen and business successes that we have been able to verify in our experiences with them, either in consulting, training or coaching processes

  • They do not worry about the things they cannot control (not getting old and that past events would be different) and they do something about the things they can control (being happy, learning to be assertive, developing their potential, taking care of their health, working on improving themselves and others)
  • Focus their “realistic” short- and medium-term goals in both their personal and professional lives
  • They prepare as best they can for events that they know may cause them to get out of control.
  • They adapt their work environment to get the most out of their tasks: Everything in its place and a place for everything(Housekeeping)
  • They try to see tasks and setbacks as challenges that will allow them to grow, and not as threatening situations.
  • They are accustomed to use an updated agenda, where they write down all the activities, indicating the time they will occupy. They do not write down more things than they will be able to do. They plan the day as soon as they start it or even the night before.
  • They learn to measure their capacities, and they do not do violence trying to do something beyond their possibilities. They avoid “pushing themselves” to exhaustion.
  • They extract the positive from negative events.
  • They dedicate a part of the day to some leisure activity without regrets
  • They invest time in the people they love and dedicate time to themselves, disconnecting from professional obligations. During the week they dedicate a temporary space to rest and do activities that they like and have no relation with work.
  • From time to time they revise and deepen their scale of values
  • They practice sports, if possible on a daily basis, as it benefits their cardiovascular health and helps them burn calories. It serves as a relaxant and eliminates tensions.
  • They are accustomed to admit and demand criticism, as well as to honestly express their points of view. They ask for help from the people around them.
  • Sometimes they say No. It is impossible to please everyone
  • They practice forgiveness, understanding and tolerance as the best option to solve some conflicts.

Some Reflections that Entrepreneurs turn them into Actions, Habits and Results

May you be lucky and may inspiration catch you working, Pablo Picasso

Success is 90% preparation and 10% inspiration, Albert Einstein

I would not want to fall into pride if I succeed, nor despair if I fail.Rather, I must always remember that failure and mistakes are the experiences that precede triumph, Gandhi

The greatest obstacle: Fear The worst defeat: Discouragement, Mary Teresa of Calcutta

Guest Post by: Quantumbcn – strategic consulting

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