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Digital strategy for 2014

estrategia digital, Digital strategy
2014 brings important changes and advances in the strategy of companies and there are 3 points that are the most relevant by far for this new year; Digital strategy through mobile, social media and inbound marketing are the three pillars of the digital strategy of companies.

Digital strategy for 2014

The mobile strategy; The market is asking for more and more in this area and companies have unique opportunities to take advantage of niches and micro-niches that will allow them customers and that also the engagement of them can be greatly enhanced by mobile apps.

The different levels of access to technology for the development of mobile applications and its proximity to users who already have minimal knowledge at the level of cms, make these types of apps are accessible and can be used as absolutely devastating tools for market access.

Social Media; Social media is a strategy that will increasingly require a more viral component so that companies can offer informative experiences to their potential customers and user experiences to customers who consume products or services from them, The knowledge load will be quite important at all levels.

B2C businesses of all sizes are going to enter this arena in a massive way, constantly seeking to improve communication with users and actively working on conversion possibilities.

Inbound Marketing; This will be for the most advanced, especially for the different types of communication areas that must be worked to bring the potential customer to the point of conversion, What1 is important is that it is a model that well developed will generate a significant volume of conversion higher than any other and at this point the optimizations both at SEO level, as at SEM level and at the level of virality of content will be the key.

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