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What is the conversion rate of Crowdfunding companies 2014?

ratio de conversión, conversion rate
In the last two years crownfunding companies (platforms to get investment for projects) has grown considerably, some of the deans of these companies in the world have achieved significant volumes of investment for their projects, however, it was not known in a way that was more or less certain what is the conversion rate in reality, ie, how many people end up investing or donating money to projects that are presented to raise capital through these pages
ratio de conversión
Karolina Grabowska at Pexels

Well, has made this comparison with two crowdfunding companies that can be considered as the true deans of this market, which have managed to raise important projects and are at the forefront in this type of Crowdfunding models, we are talking about Kickstarter and Indiegogo


And the conversion rate results of these Crownfunding companies are interesting to know.

By the % of users who visit the page of a project: Kickstarter gets 92.43% and Indiegogo 72.03%, ie, in the first case users are interested either by interest in investing or donating or curious to see what kind of projects there are or a particular project

For the % of users who reach the donation or investment page of the project, Kickstarter gets 3.7% and Indiegogo 5.18%, that is, there is a greater interest in knowing the conditions or the approach of the projects and how to invest or donate in them

And for the % of users who finally convert into investment or donation, in the case of Kickstarter gets 2.39% and Indiegogo 2.17%, somewhat higher in this case Kickstarter

I do not know the conversion rates of these Crownfunding platforms in more specific segments or sectors, verticalized or in different languages, but what is certain is that these Crowdfunding models are models that allow raising initial capital for projects that are interesting and that allow many entrepreneurs to create companies that can easily be multinationals of the future


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