Within mass marketing we find all the traditional media: press, television, magazines, direct advertising, etc. And within the individualized marketing are the digital technologies, starting with the most powerful of them all: the Internet.
Which system is the best? That depends on the objectives to be achieved and the means available. But if you have already studied your potential market, why spend money on someone who won’t buy? Go directly to the potential customer, show your products to those who are really interested in buying them. The Internet allows your potential customers to show you their preferences directly.
How does Internet Marketing work? You see, if the medium of transmission were water, then television broadcasting would be like using a big hose to spray a whole crowd of potential customers in the hope that some of them would enjoy feeling wet.
Broadcasting specialized programs would be like using a smaller hose to target only those people who have already expressed an interest in getting wet.
Internet marketing, on the other hand, would be like creating a pool of water in cyberspace, telling people that you have such a pool, and inviting them to take a swim. Potential customers can visit the pool at any time, stay in it as long as they like, and dive as deep as they like. How much they want to dive in your pool is entirely up to their personal interest. Some people will come just to look around, some will take a light dip, some will swim for a while, and some may stay under for several days.
As a good human salesperson, the Internet will allow you to achieve results by knowing the customer’s preferences, providing the right services, maintaining loyalty, and ultimately obtaining future sales.
Traditional vs Online Marketing and Advertising
Despite the fact that its effectiveness is increasingly being questioned, online advertising is still important according to respondents (50%) when promoting websites or virtual products or services.
Rating, from 1 to 5, the importance of online advertising
1 (low) 10% 10
2 15 %
3 30 %
4 20 %
5 (high) 25
Despite the above results, traditional advertising is very important for 86.7% of respondents when it comes to promoting websites or virtual products or services.
Rating, from 1 to 5, the importance of offline or traditional advertising
1 (low) 1.70% 1.70
2 3.30 %
3 8.30 %
4 51.70 %
According to 36.1% of respondents, online advertising is a communication tool that, like the Internet, is still evolving. Time will show its true value. On the other hand, only 1.6% think that it is a communication tool that does not have much of a future.
Express your opinion on the current importance of online publishing
It is a communication tool that does not have much future 1.60%.
It is very important 13.10
It is another marketing tool 26.50%.
It is a communication tool that needs to be developed 36.10%.
Despite the fact that our respondents previously rated online advertising as important, it seems that traditional advertising wins hands down when it comes to budget allocation: 68.9% of respondents would allocate 100% of their budget to offline advertising and 0% to online, while only 5.3% would allocate 100% to online and 0% to offline. Perhaps the lack of development plays a role?
What percentage of your advertising budget would you allocate to each type?
0% online – 100% offline 34.40
25% online – 75% offline 3.80% 50% each 8.60% both
50% to each 8.60
75% online – 25% offline 1.80% 1.80% 1.80% 1.80% 1.80% 1.80% 1.80% 1.80% 1.80% 1.80% 1.80
100% online – 0% offline 5.30
Other 1.60
According to 34.4% of respondents, the banner is still the most attractive advertising element to click on, followed by e-mail advertising (advertising in newsletters, …) with 19.7%. The fact that this type of advertising is in second place could be due to its high segmentation capacity, i.e. advertising that is adapted to the profile of the recipient of the message. Everything points to this being a tool with great potential.
Which online advertising tool do you find most attractive when it comes to “clicking”?
The banner 34.40%.
E-mail advertising 9.70%.
Buttons 14.80
The “floating screens” 14.70%.
Sponsorships 8.20
Paid advertising 6.60% Paid advertising 6.60
Discount coupons 1.60
According to 45% of respondents, the design of online advertising is what attracts potential customers.