Another technology that has been developing in an important way in recent years has been the so-called Spinners, which are technologies or software that develop a practically unlimited volume of content from a first source text.

Spinners and high volume of articles
The objective of these systems is to achieve that in 1,000 articles that you can publish in 1,000 different sites, for example, articles or press releases, none of those articles is absolutely the same as the others, this makes the duplicate content that may arise in some sites and that can be penalized by search engines, cease to be duplicated, since they will always be 1 ,000 articles with unique content.
Spinners for English
The truth is that in Spanish they are not very successful, in fact it is difficult to get them to work well, however in English there are some that work really well.
These softwares in turn, are integrated with automated marketing systems and allows them to develop a fairly effective automated posting in thousands of websites but in turn with a unique content in each of the post, having in this case the user of the software to publish only one article. The software takes care of the complete automation of the alternative content creation and publishing.
Spinners the best known
One of the best known software for these topics is the one called The Best Spinner
The Best Spinner is a software that allows you to create article alternatives independently or alternatives on synonyms in all the words of an article, making them 100% unique.