The logical factor is located on the left side of the brain and is manifested in the right half of the body. On the contrary, the emotional factor is located in the right part of the brain and is manifested in the left half of the body. In other words, to express emotions one must speak on the left side to the interlocutor and to speak about something logical one must speak on the right side to the interlocutor.
The most difficult thing is to find out which is the predominant factor of the interlocutor and to explore this system properly.
How do you know if you are talking about something logical or about emotions? Well, when you hear about concrete data, such as numbers, product characteristics, technical descriptions, statistics, writings, mathematical formulas… you are in front of a logical language. And if we talk about sensations, imagination, models, drawings, coloring, intuition… then we are dealing with an emotional language.
When should this system of communication be used? Always. In the pre-sales and sales phases, it allows us to discover the real interests of our interlocutor, helping to establish a communication channel in a creative way and to establish rapport with the other person. In addition, this system supports the success of the negotiation and post-sales phases.
All this leads us to affirm that the pre-sales, sales, negotiation and after-sales phases are defined by the customer’s purchasing system, according to logical and emotional factors.
“The optimal way to sell to our interlocutor is to know his buying system, and also to discover if this system is based on a logical or emotional factor”.
Sales Psychology
To know how to apply psychology in sales is to know how to live happier. There is nothing simpler than giving others what they really need.
But what happens when we have to sell something that we really know is not going to fully benefit the buyer?
The smartest answer and the one that is least used in today’s strategy is: “don’t sell it”. It is clear that everything that is not needed will ultimately complicate our next objective. If a seller makes a deal that initially brings him a profit but over time will complicate his relationship with his customer.
Is it really a good deal?
Sales directors and especially some managers have not yet understood the importance of knowing how to sell the needs of others and not the needs of our company.
Some people think that marketing is coming to an end because it no longer adapts to what manufacturers or large transnationals need from the market.
Have they perhaps thought about what sales really is?
The existing maremagnum between production, distribution and sales is reaching such absurd heights as to offer products that in some countries are really interesting and that for others seem grotesque or carnival-like.
It is true that local marketing tries to interpret these ridiculous dissonances that stun many general managers of subsidiaries in some countries such as Spain.
How can the same fashionable colors be sold in the north of France as in the Campo de Gibraltar?
Why should the physiognomy of the German woman be the same as that of the Spanish woman or vice versa?
I always ask all my friends who are in sales the same question:
Don’t you sell what you intend to sell?
Don’t they need what you sell?
If it is true something very important and that sometimes is irrational, making the profession of the sale something that most people detest, the negative of going against the current and that has no use for people who buy the product or service.
It is enough as an example of little professionalism as the one that a student of a sales course gave me, referring to a selection of personnel that had been made for a telemarketing position.
The man conducting the test did it from a pulpit where he received “impromptu calls” from people who wanted to sell them something over the phone, the applicants for the position.
This “professional” acted as a client, answering in front of the astonished audience whatever he wanted and whatever he felt like, without any pre-designed script. This is what some “big companies” mean by investing in the future.
Of course, this is just a proof of the way in which sales are not adapting to the field of needs, but of how, in an exercise of arrogance, we want to interpret the consumer’s will as if it were our own, making a show of professionalism out of the grotesque.
If I go back to the beginning of my conjectures, I have to confirm something that we cannot ignore: selling is something wonderful and necessary as long as it is a step for the better for both parties: the one who sells and the one who buys.
There are companies that are emerging that include unprofessional and unethical people in their ranks, making them responsible for such sensitive responsibilities as satisfying and attending to those who feed and feed us and give us a living.
Modern sales must stop being an instrument to achieve a simple economic objective and become an instrument of exchange for the progress of society. We cannot sell what we need as a company, but rather sell what our customers demand from us; all this requires the long-term awareness of many businessmen and CEOs who care more about the results of a decade than the future of a great project.