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Positioning of new products in the market

Positioning of new products in the market
In many cases, when we make a forecast of the possible sales that we will obtain, we have to count on a series of investments or expenses that usually appear in our profit and loss accounts and balance sheet as advertising expenses, public relations, etc. Usually they are existing expenses, depending on our profitability forecast for new product launches, etc.

Normally they are an existing expense, depending on our profitability forecast for new product launch projects, etc. However, we can significantly reduce these accounts or give ourselves a greater margin of maneuver if we are able to position the product we are going to sell quickly and effectively.

When working with this type of parameters, there are a number of steps that are crucial to follow. These are: defining the target audience as precisely as possible, with a good dose of social psychology; defining and delimiting the markets we are going to attack, i.e. segmenting the market; and defining the benefits our product/service brings to the potential customer.

The definition of the target audience in the most accurate way possible and for this purpose are detailed:

Positioning new products on the market

Positioning of new products in the market

Geographical parameters:


Place of development of work, town, province, etc. where the company or group of companies is located.


Place of residence and possible prescribers, i.e. if the purchase decision-makers are commercial managers, many of them will have their place of residence in places with a social habitat, in certain neighborhoods or places in the city, or in villas in dormitory or peripheral cities.


Demographic parameters:


Predominant sex of the company, if our market is manufacturing, we cannot address it as if we were addressing the tourism market.


Average age of target companies. The average age can also give us an idea of the lifestyle of the potential buyers, since we can find from the single person who does not live with his parents to the retired person who no longer exercises any kind of activity.


Educational level (university, postgraduate, professional training, secondary education, primary education, etc.). Our approach to one or the other has nothing to do with each case.


Average salary of the personnel of the target companies. Seeing the possibilities that both in the personal and professional field are used to realize economically.


What is the maximum amount that you can decide on average without having to consult another step or department. In this way we can play with the personal desires that in the productive field are profitable for the person himself.


Social and cultural parameters:


Lifestyles: average family purchases.


Opinions: Regarding social factors, events, attitudes, controversies, etc.


Fashions: How fashion affects them, such as sports, clothing, cars, where they live, vacations, etc.


Governmental parameters:


Taxes they are subject to, regulations that affect them on a general or autonomous level, etc.


Technological parameters:


The access they have to new technologies. In this way, we can provide you with 100% personalized information.


Obsolescence of the technology that may occur in their work environment, family, etc. In many cases, someone works all day with computer systems and when they come home they find that their child knows more about using technology than they do.


Profile of updating to new technology systems. The number of courses, seminars, etc. that they usually attend, since this is where many contacts are made at a professional level and it is good that our company or product can come up in the middle of these conversations.

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