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3 keys to using Neuromarketing techniques on your website


Neuromarketing is opening an interesting step to conceptualize in an important way projects of all kinds, having the ability to reach potential customers from a different point of view.

Neuromarketing is based on the application of neuroscience techniques to marketing, with these neuromarketing techniques you can understand the relationship between what users can do on your website and their minds.


Neuromarketing Techniques for your website

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1.- Use images on your page, neuromarketing oriented, one of the things that makes users take more confidence is to explain with an image that catches their attention from the beginning. Using good images that define each content generates a high sense of trust in users.

2.- The first image of your web or landing page counts a lot, in fact, some important studies consider that you have two-tenths of a second to make a good impression, and many good impressions clearly a confidence in the user.

3.- Offer a simple content structure with fonts that are easy to read, this way you will get what you want to explain to users understand it quickly, it will make their user experience is good and repeat returning to your page.

4.- One of the things of neuromarketing that linger in the minds of people when they receive high-value information that allow them to access information that really serves them is who offered that information, as much as the information itself, therefore, if what is offered on a website is something value-added users trust that the product or services offered are of quality.

5.- Offer content or services that you have tested, the benefits that neuromarketing focuses on is to offer products or services with high added value or that generate trust, and therefore it is relevant that you have found them important and relevant, so much so that you can recommend them.

Neuromarketing offers a great dimension to both the concept and the final result

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