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Business Classified Ads in wordpress, 7 options

The classified ads business has always been one of the most profitable and interesting on the internet, in wordpress have already developed many different themes that allow you to quickly set up your own classified ads business, of all topics, more or less generalists, etc.

Classified ads in wordpress with multiple monetization formulas

The monetization methods of these models are simple and known by the users, there is no need to educate the user to place his ad nor is it necessary to explain the additional benefits of buying an advertisement or a certain membership

Nowadays you can use themes for wordpress perfectly organized and with completely defined business models without having to make developments for it

Some of the most interesting ones are the following

Classified Ads in WordPress Multiuser: If you have a community with Buddypress or similar or a Wp Mu that allows you to offer services such as your own blog to each of your users, then this plugin will interest you, as it will allow you to use and create your own classified ads system within your community and offer a high value-added service for all of them

classifieds wpmu anuncios clasificados con wordpress

Classipress: One of the deans of the classified ads market in wordpress, with many years of development that has allowed to improve it with each version. It allows a high compatibility with other ad insertion plugins that can bring feeds within each of the ads and thus the start of the classified ads business will be easier for you, because you can start directly with thousands of ads published even if you do not have any user yet, that is content and allows you to start generating dynamicity in your classified ads business with wordpress


Classicraft: ClassiCraft is a flexible, powerful and reliable theme to create your own classified ads platform. ClassiCraft Theme allows the presentation of classified ads to users. ClassiCraft Theme comes with an admin panel with which it is very easy to control all the functionality of the theme

ClassiCraft has an elegant design and is responsive so it looks good on pc, cell phones or normal tablets. It is the first fully functional classifieds theme platform that is fully responsive and is integrated with Paypal to make premium classified ads


ClassifiedTheme: A complete suite of classified ads for wordpress, also one of the longest running on the market, includes integration with both google maps, slides and images, as well as incorporating the option to integrate various payment systems like Paypal, 2Checkout, eWay, Worldpày, etc


Dolce Classifieds: A classified ads system for wordpress with a neat aesthetic, very 2.0, and one of the most optimized of the market, which in addition to integrating many standard options seek some differentiations in details that are of interest to the user


WPClassifieds: wpClassifieds is a WordPress theme that allows you to create your own classified ads system with your wordpress blog. You can post an ad without registration, Post ads with photos, Confirm ads by email, Edit ads after posting, Unlimited categories and subcategories, translate to any language, With reCaptcha for form security and Akismet


FlatAds: FlatAds is a premium Directory / WordPress theme, super flexible and has a fully responsive design. Built with HTML5 and CSS3. FlatAds is compatible with WooCommerce 2.1, bbPress, MailChimp for WP plugin

It has been carefully made this template with a strong focus on typography, usability and overall user experience. It is very quick to install and easy to customize

WordPress is an excellent cms with excellent possibilities for a wordpress classified ads business

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