Advertising on social networks. Advertising on social networks is becoming more and more demanded and is being an excellent solution for hundreds of marketers and companies that need to reach the market in a fast way.
However, in a way, advertising on social networks is also a bit like the Wild West, where many advertise but few know how to hit the target, and that is often due to the lack of definition of strategies to advertise on social networks.

As points of interest, I would like to comment on some that can serve as a guide to be more effective with campaigns and strategies to advertise on social networks;
1.-Understand your target, basic there is not much to say about it, not understanding it means to die before advertising on social networks. You have to understand their demographic profile, psychographic, technological, economic, etc., in addition to any kind of niche or relevant information about your target that is part of the trigger of interest.
2.-It is interesting to make a test to probe the type of profiles of the site and if you are in line with them, create interest groups or even create surveys can be a good form of testing that allows you to identify patterns that will guide you to advertise on social networks targeting the critical masses that you identify.
3.- Measure to make decisions and execute. To advertise on social networks in the right way it is essential to measure well and get the data that indicate the relevant things, but it is also important to make quick decisions and take action quickly, even as a test, to verify that the things that you understand are what make people interested in your product or service are the right things, and if they are not, change them quickly and try something else.
4.- Get the brand in the right context. Fundamental, do not get out of that context, advertising on social networks outside the right context can generate conversations or information that is neither relevant nor positive for your company, in this case it is better to err on the side of caution than to err on the side of risk, although in the right measure.
Strategies for advertising on social networks allow you to generate a line from your brand / product to the minds of your customers and understand them.
5.- Be creative with creatives. In addition to the usual creatives advertising on social networks can allow you to work with other new creatives that allow you some networks and that in some cases are much more effective for a particular social network than the conventional ones. If this happens, one of the best things you can do is to test, usually generate good results and even CTR’s much better than some optimized campaigns.
6.- Try to test for a certain period of time with owners of pages with many followers. To advertise on social networks and taking into account that testing is important to know if you should launch or not, one of the most interesting ways is to reach some kind of agreement with the administrator or community manager of a specific page with many followers, having 1 month your test on it can offer you interesting indicators.
7.-Tracking, tracking, tracking, no need for me to say it, you know that tracking and monitoring is one of the bases to understand the details and make decisions when it comes to advertising on social networks. You need to draw conclusions on a regular basis, but be careful with just tracking, the loss of time if you do not take action can be considerable because you will enter paralysis by analysis.
8.- Learn from each campaign and document it. Advertising on social networks as in many other media requires to document what you do to optimize and make better decisions every time, experience is a degree and the internet in general is the world of details, so every detail counts.