And in order to be ahead of the market, you often have to know how to get out of other markets that may be burned out or that have become tremendously small or lagging behind and that cannot provide you with a minimum growth or turnover
Get ahead of the market

It seems to me that for this Google Trends is a spectacular tool, get ahead of the market with it, especially if you use it very focused on the market scope, since the usual use is on keywords or current trends
Lately I remember that famous phrase of Warren Bufet, I think I remember, who said that when his chauffeur started talking about the stock market, he knew it was time to get out as soon as possible and start divesting
The truth is that there is nothing as real as that and more so at a time like the present, more and more the concept of strategy and working on market patterns are fundamental and you have to start knowing how to read when to pivot and turn at the right time to be able to head to another market with more “cheese”
What can be seen for some time now is that the large niches have been redefined and in many cases have been dispersed in a significant way, but this dispersion makes them concentrate on new lines of business or redefinition of the niche that generates immense business possibilities within each market
A market that could have been of little relevance 6 months ago can suddenly become absolutely relevant due to the pressure of different market variables, the evolution of large technology companies or the intensity with which people influence it
What is also as true as a house is that the markets in which most bubbles occur without any doubt in most cases is where there is “a lot of free”, that makes business models begin to emerge in the market that serve to generate profit quickly by important professionals, but that does not imply a medium-term continuity of that market or a real profitability of that market in the medium term