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Porque Tu Lo Vales by Josepe, your own Ferrari at the door 2014

porque tu lo vales red Ferrari 458 italia parked beside red wall

Yesterday I had the opportunity to attend Josepe’s Porque Tu Lo Vales course, the truth is that I was amazed, absolutely amazing. Both Josepe and all his team and the more than 200 attendees, absolutely impressive.

porque tu lo vales
Pavlo Luchkovski at Pexels

Why You’re Worth It, Your Inner Ferrari

It had been a long time since I had seen Josepe, although we have kept in touch, and when I received the information about the course, taking advantage of the beginning of the “school year”, I decided to join and besides seeing him, to have a good day, which I knew I was going to get, although I never imagined that it would be so excellent what was happening.

The ultimate goal of “Porque tu lo vales” is to make you feel like we all have a Ferrari inside, we all have a Ferrari inside and Josepe knows perfectly well how to make you take it out and enjoy it as you want. And I can assure you that he did it.

We went through different stages in Porque tu lo vales, each one of them built on the other, so you feel like there are things that possibly you have to refocus and also you see it so clearly that it really becomes an absolutely unique experience.

I have been working on the subject of Financial Freedom for years, specifically since 2001 when I learned about “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, which I think I remember was not even translated into Spanish yet, it is something that I am passionate about and in which I have also managed to infect many people around me, friends, colleagues, etc. The experience of doing the official Richdad courses in Spain was great.

And I can assure that the approach that Josepe brings to this personal vision of financial freedom is a piece that many people are missing, is that twist that interesting analytical minds, business visionaries and generators of wealth generates an additional force to get the nut to click and your goals are met with Because you are worth it

For 12 hours, which is soon to say, since we started at 9.30 am and ended at 9.30 pm, more than 200 people were 100% focused on what was happening in the course, there was no one who was not at the top of the subject, who was not expectant with what was going to be said.

I am a student of Richard Bandler since 1996 when I went to study with him, the truth is that I have always been able to apply it in business and also in financial educational areas, but the approach that Josepe brought was more evolved, more applied, it is a new step that is being developed and I loved to see the use that Josepe gave it, absolutely exceptional.

Dear Josepe, from these lines, I want to thank you for the email in which you invited me to buy your course, which I sincerely believe is worth 1,000 times its cost. And that means from an investment point of view, that it is a HIGHLY PROFITABLE investment.

It is an honor for me to have been with you and your team and to share with all the people who attended the course the excellent moments they gave me.

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