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Decalogue of the good salesperson, 10 points, according to Antonio Crespo

I received one or two days ago a message in which Antonio Crespo sent me a video about his own sales decalogue that from his point of view can be useful for salespeople, and the truth is that I thought it would be interesting to publish it.

Antonio’s decalogue is governed by 10 ideas that form the roadmap of the good salesperson,

I expose them briefly, although below is the complete video

1.- That you like selling, this is fundamental, that you enjoy the sale and also if you know the whole development of the complete product, better than better, you can believe much more in the product you sell

2.- Empathize with your colleagues and with customers, it all goes together, empathize with colleagues is essential for the good seller, this makes you feel supported by that empathy is also transferred to customers

3.- The smile must be the first thing to be seen in a good seller is the smile, it is always the point of presentation and contact with the customer

4.- The good salesperson should always think that today is going to be a great day, as much or more as it was yesterday and as it will be tomorrow. An interesting phrase: Happiness begins by walking upright

5.- Do not procrastinate, appointments, meetings, meetings, etc, whatever it is, do not leave it for later, this is something fundamental as well as punctuality for a good seller

6.- Never show rush to the customer, no rush, no rush, no anxiety, no anxiousness

7.- According to him it is very subjective, and it is very important that the good salesman has culture, that he likes theater, cinema, in general culture and things that are done in his city

8.- The good salesman who plays chess learns strategy, and he must know which are the movements and variables that the clients handle

9.- A good salesman has to be governed by the principle of honesty and rigor in the work, it is better to lose a good sale than to lose prestige

10.- All of the above is good, but it is also interesting that from time to time luck appears, which always appears to those who deserve it and who go out to the street with tenacity, desire and effort

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